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Harvest Day

The last few years, my family and I and various friends have gone to harvest some of our own food at Miller Farms. I am reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and it has made me think more about where my food is coming from, and this is right in line with it. You can pick your own potatoes, onions, sweet corn, indian corn, decorative squash, edible squash, tomatoes, peppers, and more. The kids have a lot of fun. I think it is good for them to know a little about where food comes from. Obviously they've learned a bit in our own garden, too. I am surprised by some of the kids at school that have no idea where their veggies come from, but then again, I am a Cornhusker. I remember visiting my grandparents' farm in Nebraska. It was not a working farm, per se, but they did have crops, and if you wanted potatoes for dinner, you went out and dug some up. I have a different appreciation for the food I work harder to get, especially that which grows in my garden, but I just don't have room in my yard for all this stuff. Gardening / harvesting can be pretty exhausting. We also saw creatures bugs, snakes, toads, turtles...

As I was walking out, I saw us a sign that said, "If you like to eat, thank a farmer."

my cornhusker dad

As we drove home, I practiced knitting, the seed stitch. Life is woven together.


  1. Oh, how I miss a real fall. Your photos bring back so many memories that are in my mind. Thank you for the colorful post!

  2. I have to agree with you that it can be pretty sad that most kids don't know where food comes from. We raise our own meat and grow as many veggies as we can, and I wouldn't do it any other way. Those are great photos! And I am glad your kids are able to appreciate farmers!

  3. I'm reading that book, too! I have to put it down and then take it back up, because it's a lot of info.

    And that is one beautiful ear of corn.

  4. As usual...wonderful pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing.

    We sooooooo wish we could have gone with you this year, but alas - our schedules just didn't allow it. Here's looking forward to next year!

    Take care,
    Matt, Jen, Cameron, Ellie & CJ

  5. Fall! One of the best times of year! Not too hot, and wonderful colors. I enjoyed your pictures.

  6. Looks like fun. Maybe someday I'll be able to go.


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